

This page outlines acquiring the RIDE API and how to get up and running using the provided NewProjectTemple, or linking the API to your own Unity project.

Page Contents

RIDE Access and Quickstart Steps

  1. Make sure you have SVN software installed
  2. Install Unity Hub
  3. Make sure you have signed the RIDE Distribution Agreement (request access via the Obtain RIDE page)
  4. Ask for SVN credentials
  5. Checkout /trunk in the private repository URL
  6. Use trunk/NewProjectTemplate/runUnity.bat to download and run the proper version of Unity
  7. Open LevelSelect scene, click Play in the Unity editor, and then select different examples from the Demos menu to explore various RIDE capabilities and integrations

RIDE NewProjectTemplate

This is a template Unity project that has been created to demonstrate how to setup a new Unity project and connect it with RIDE. 

Custom project settings modified for the template:

  1. Project Settings → Layers → Added “Terrain” as User Layer 8 to listing
  2. Project Settings → Tags → Added “Enemy” to listing
  3. Newtonsoft Json: Added the following via Window → Package Manager
    1. Newtonsoft Json 3.2.1 (com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json) via Unity Registry
  4. OPTIONAL – ML Agents: Added the following via Window → Package Manager
    1. ML Agents 2.0.1 (com.unity.ml-agents) via Unity Registry
  5. OPTIONAL – ML Agents: Project Settings → Player, Other Settings, Scripting Define Symbols field, added RIDE_ML_AGENTS
  6. OPTIONAL – Photon Networking (PUN): Project Settings → Player, Other Settings, Scripting Define Symbols field, added PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING
  7. Added input package via menu item Ride → Player Input → Setup Player Input Package
    1. Alternative is to add Input System (com.unity.inputsystem) via Package Manager, Unity Registry. Note, confirm Active Input Handling option when prompted and restart Unity.
  8. Project Settings → Player → Other Settings, Configuration, Active Input Handling option set to “Both”
  9. Project Settings  Input Manager → Axes, increased Size value by 2
    1. Renamed new slot “Horizontal Rotate”
      1. Cleared any existing values
      2. Entered the following values:
        1. Gravity, 0
        2. Dead, 0.19
        3. Sensitivity, 1
        4. Type, “Joystick Axis”
        5. Axis, “5th axis (Joysticks)”
        6. Joy Num, “Get Motion from all Joysticks”
    2. Renamed new slot “Vertical Rotate”
      1. Cleared any existing values
      2. Entered the following values:
        1. Gravity, 0
        2. Dead, 0.19
        3. Sensitivity, 1
        4. Type, “Joystick Axis”
        5. Axis, “4th axis (Joysticks)”
        6. Joy Num, “Get Motion from all Joysticks”
  10. The root directory is setup with RIDE externals described below in the “Linking RIDE to Your Repository” section

Note, review the NPT Package Manager listing for additional packages required for certain capabilities. 

Copying NewProjectTemplate for Your Own Project

  1. Checkout /trunk of private SVN repository URL
  2. Right click on NewProjectTemplate, drag it to your desired folder, and select “SVN Export Versioned Items here” from the context menu
  3. Rename NewProjectTemplate to whatever you prefer
  4. Remove the following 3 folders:
    1. Assets/Ride
    2. Assets/Ride_Art
    3. Assets/Ride_Dependencies
  5. Follow the “Linking RIDE to Your Repository” section below to link to the RIDE code

Linking RIDE to Your Repository 

In order to use the RIDE API functionality and assets, you’ll want to setup SVN external links on your repository.

  1. Create a new Unity Project (Use Unity LTS 2020.3.x or later)
  2. Check in your project to SVN
  3. On the root folder of your unity project (the one that contains Assets, Project Settings, etc), add external properties. If using TortiseSVN:
    1. Right-click Assets → TortiseSVN → Properties
    2. New → Externals
  4. Setup externals to look like the following based upon /trunk of private SVN repository URL (Peg # should be the latest; use the Find HEAD-Revision button to verify):
  5. Click OK
  6. Perform a SVN Update and you will receive all the files

Externals Content

The RIDE API Externals consist of the of the following 3 directories: 

  • Ride: Contains all the RIDE API source code and example scenes that show how to use the API.
  • Ride_Art: Contains all character/vehicle 3D models and animations as well as particle effects (explosions, fires, etc.), sound effects, among other content in order to create higher production quality demos. OWT Terrains are not in this folder.
  • Ride_Dependencies: Contains libraries and source code that the RIDE API depends upon.