Interface systems for moving agents in scenarios.
Interface systems for moving agents in scenarios.
The RIDE API uses the Unity Navmesh as its main implementation for moving agents. If you wish to use a different movement system, implement the IMovementSystem interface.
See Creating a Navigation Mesh from OWT Data to learn how to build a Unity navmesh from terrain data.
Globals.api = ApiSystemMono.CreateApiSystemMono(false, true);
// Move a single agent
Globals.api.movementSystem.MoveToPosition(agent, target);
// Move a group of agents in a cluster formation
Globals.api.movementSystem.MoveToPosition(agents, target, FormationProcedureType.Cluster);
// move a group, providing your own formation procedure
class MyFormationProcedure : IFormationProcedure { // your implementation }
Globals.api.movementSystem.MoveToPosition(agents, target, new MyFormationProcedure());