
Create a navigation mesh from local OWT data for agent pathing.

How to Use


Ensure you’ve completed the “Adding a Scene Persistent Terrain” section of Terrain Loading in order to use this navigation mesh generation method.

Normally terrain in the Split LMAB format streams into the scene at run-time via network or datacache folder, otherwise not appearing when working “offline” in the Unity Scene panel to create/edit a scene. Instead of using the network or datacache for run-time streaming, a terrain map can be instanced in a local scene by way of the Load Tiles script and Single LMAB terrain map format.


The initial loading of the Single LMAB terrain format of datasets within the RIDE Terrain Library into the local scene must be done while on the ICT domain or wherever the Single LMAB format of your terrain dataset is hosted within your organization’s domain.

Local Navigation Mesh Generation  

Generate a local navigation mesh using the following steps:

  1. In your unity scene, create an empty game object (Game Object → Create Empty) and attach the LoadTiles component.
  2. Un-check “Load at start” and put the path of the terrain that you wish to load (example, Assets/StreamingAssets/Ride_Terrains/USC_LMAB_SEGT_ENU_5cm_170520_Tile/terrainDescriptionSplit.json for USC Campus).
  3. From the Unity menu toolbar, select Ride → Terrain → Load Plane, and wait for the terrain to load.
  4. Once loaded, go to Window → AI → Navigation. This will open the Navigation window.
  5. Select Mesh Renders under the Object tab and then select all the mesh renderers under TerrainRoot in the hierarchy window. Make sure the Navigator Static checkbox is checked.
  6. Select the Bake tab, and then click the Bake button.
  7. A new folder will be created in the same folder as your scene with the same name. Inside of this folder is the navigation mesh data.
  8. Select terrain root and delete it.
  9. Submit the scene and the navigation data to version control as normal.