Displays how to create particle systems from prefabs, scene objects, resources, and RideIDs.
Displays how to create particle systems from prefabs, scene objects, resources, and RideIDs.
Hit Play in the scene and 4 particle systems will spawn: 2 red, 1 green, and 1 blue. Examine the ExampleParticleSystems.cs script to see how they are instantiated.
The resource loader game object in the scene is linked to the RedParticleSystem Prefab in Assets/Ride/Examples/Effects/ExampleParticleEffectSystem.
The blue particle system is loaded from Assets/Ride/Examples/Effects/ExampleParticleEffectSystem/Resources.
The green particle system is loaded from the “GreenParticleSystem” gameobject in the scene.
All systems are instantiated from the ExampleParticleSystems.cs script attached to the “Example” game object.