Training TakeCover ML


Rapid training of mlAgent units for modelling cover behaviour by inference. This scene links to an external python application over Unity TCP containing user-defined observations created in an academy for which the unit “brains” undergo training.

Page Contents



Rapid training of mlAgent units for modelling cover behaviour by inference. This scene links to an external python application over Unity TCP containing user-defined observations created in an academy for which the unit “brains” undergo training.

How to Use


Setup the python environment following these steps:

Approximate Procedure:

  • Python 3.7 64bit or higher
  • Python and Scripts folder needs to be in PATH, eg:
    • C:\Python37_64
    • C:\Python37_64\Scripts
  • If you are using Powershell, make sure you enable scripts. From admin Powershell, type:
    • Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
  • Install pip
  • Install torch:
  • Install ml-agents
    • pip3 install mlagents


In order to utilize this example, you’ll first need to acquire the following Unity ML-Agents Toolkit core components: ml-agents-0.15.1, ml-agents-env, and ml-agents-release_12. Next, add the ML Agents v1.0.7 python training environment, which can be obtained through the Unity Package Manager.

Make Sure RIDE_ML_AGENTS is defined in the project scripting defines.

After completion, open a command window prompt at: 


Enter the commands:

  1. ml-agents-env-release12/Scripts/Activate
  2. cd ../ml-agents-release_12

To start the training programming, enter the following command:

  1. mlagents-learn config/ppo/basic.yaml –run-id=<run-identifier> –train –time-scale=100
    1. Note, if you a using a previous run-identifier than pass –resume as well

Then hit play in the Unity scene ExampleTrainingTakeCover scene and you will see the agents begin to train.

To watch how effective the training is, open a new command prompt in /ml-agents/ml-agents-env and enter the following:

  1. ml-agents-env-release12/Scripts/Activate
  2. cd ../ml-agents-release_12
  3. tensorboard –logdir results –port 6006

Scene Location & Name


Setup Requirements 

Utilize mlAgent for your scene with the ExampleTrainingTakeCoverML script and TrainingArea_TakeCoverML prefab that contains the TrainingArea_TakeCover script, floor/walls, cover, goals, Agent (script), Enemy, and mlAgent objects.

ExampleTrainingTakeCoverML Script

First, add ExampleTrainingTakeCoverML script to an object in your scene.

TrainingArea_TakeCoverML Prefab and TrainingArea_TakeCover Script

Next, import the TrainingArea_TakeCoverML prefab into your scene to train agents for cover behavior in conjunction with an external python application.  

This prefab that contains the TrainingArea_TakeCover script, floor/walls, cover, goals, Agent (script), Enemy, and mlAgent objects.

Customizing and Extending Scene  

Create a prefab variant of TrainingArea_TakeCover to begin constructing your own training environments. 

Recommend building a comparison scene to evaluate two approaches to your problem set. See Behaviour Comparison as an example for how to structure a side-by-side comparison of agent behaviour.

Unity Machine Learning Agents Information

Unity ML-Agents Toolkit

ML Agents Package Manual

Unity ML-Agents Tools

Unity ML-Agents How-To

Unity ML-Agents Intro – Blog